maandag 29 april 2013

Guitar-players , Mechanics & OCC !?

When i picked up my first wrenches, ( agghhh, realizing now that's almost 40 years ago !) .
There was no Discovery channel, or something similar.
So for my information , i plowed faithfully
thru my monthly holy biker magazine " Easyriders ".
Pickin'up tech tips & idea's, among all other tips & idea's ya might expect from a biker magazine.
Made my mother (not so) happy, since my english/american vocabulary broadened a lot !
Ya fuckin' dig it, ? ;-)
Yeah, Easyriders was my, Discovery, National Geographic,
XXX-channel, miraculous mutha, all in one magazine.
( yeah, in the 70's it was a real magazine !).

 Yep, think it was somekind of a religion.
Later on I met some of the people that had exposure thru "Easyriders".
Marion Owens, George Smith (junior), Perry Sands,
Jerry Branch, a.m.o. Yep in New York, even that crazy " Indian Larry"!
Everyone made his name, starting young, thru trail and error.
Eventually creating something, admirable !

It's just like guitarplayers, start at a young age,
practice every day several hours, trial and error.
Work for god , a dime, and glory !
And eventually after 10 years, ya got something to play !
It's not pitch perfect yet, but ya getting there.

So? Don't re-invent the wheel !
Want something nice ? Ya gonna pay either way !

The hard way, or the easy way. Period !


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